Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harry Potter - Books 3,4 and 5 - Oh, and that little movie coming out Wednesday

I've plotted. I've prepared. I'm almost ready. Books 3,4,5 read. Finished. How were they? Wonderful. I listened to them, which was really fun by the way. Jim Dale must be a national treasure. I love his voice. It's so animated and fun, so well done it played through my head like on a movie screen. I highly recommend it, since the movies do leave out a ton of great stuff. I'd forgotten a lot of the original stories. Do I really need to discuss them? Is there one person on the planet who hasn't read these books? Really? I don't believe you. Book 3 - short and to the point. The first one I really liked in the series. Book 4 - way too long, but entertaining with a great plot twist in the end. Book 5 - Pretty good actually, but the point was a little muddled. I expected a bigger climax sort-of ending, other than just "the prophesy". Holy adverbs, but whose counting. Not me.

Just started Book 6. And the movie, ah, yes, but I'm starting to sweat in unusual places. Will I be done with it before the movie comes out? Will I be allowed to get away for 2.5 hours? Will I be able to sit through it without having to take someone to pee? I swear I miss half the movies I see with my kids because I give them too much to drink. This time no water for 5 hours before!

I couldn't find that new trailer anywhere. Looks like they yanked it. Idiots. Here's an old one. In the words of Ron, "Who cares!" Boy it looks like it'll be creepy. Ya-hoo!


Fiona said...

We have our tickets to see the movie(HP6) Friday night (hubby, kids and I). It's my husband's birthday on Friday so we're doing it as his birthday treat.

My kids wouldn't dare ask to be taken out to the toilet during a movie - they know what the answer would be!!! Besides, they wouldn't want to miss any of it :)

Mandy said...

I am so excited for the movies. I have been reading the books too and I have really enjoyed 4, 5 and 6 because they are the ones I have read/listened to the least amount of times, especially #6. I didn't remember most of the book so it was lots of fun to read.

I am interested to find out what they leave out of the movie. Everything seems important. I can't wait!!!

Suzette Bradford said...

I decided to postpone my re-read of The Half-Blood Prince until after the movie. Hopefully this will curb my disappointment at what they leave out of the movie. I am really excited to see it, though. Warner Bros. knows how to build the anticipation by making us wait so long!!

L said...

Yeah, there's no way I'm going to get it done. When are you going Suzette? Hitting it the first day? I sure hope it's been worth this waiting, few good movies lately.

Are they remaking The Hobbit? Anybody know? Gosh I hope so.

Suzette Bradford said...

I'm not going until we get back from our vacation next week. (Unless I cave and we go while we are on vacation...) I'm seeing some pretty good reviews of it so I'm even more excited. Hey Lula, here's a question for you: What is the 12th use for dragon's blood?

Stephanie said...

So, who has been to see it? I'm dying to hear what everyone thinks!

Mandy said...

I saw it yesterday and I really liked it. I just finished the book about a week ago and I thought the movie followed it very well. Of course they changed things and left out some also, but I actually thought this one was closest to the book then any of the others. I had a great time! No let down at all. :) Now, when to go see it again...

L said...

Dragon's blood? How about increases your sex drive? Know where I can get any?
Oh, darn it..