Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

A book I enjoyed is coming out in movie form next month. Finally a preview. This book isn't for everybody. It's very intense. I'm hoping the raw emotion I felt in the story translates onto the screen, while leaving out some of the needless filler she had in the book, and leaving in the original, thought-provoking love story. I guess we'll see. I have a feeling this one's going to be good.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'm going to try this book. I've heard rave reviews but I guess time travelling I'm thinking sci fi stories and fantasy stuff. I might give it a try before the movie comes out.

L said...

The science fiction is definitely secondary to the love story, yet an interesting twist in the main characters relationship. They way she explains it makes it almost believable. Coming from me a major skeptic, that's saying a lot!