By Kate Jacobs
Not unlike the Shop around the Corner in the movie You’ve Got Mail, only with yarn instead of books, Walker and Daughter is a cute, little knitting shop hidden in the deep recess’s of New York City’s Upper West Side, run by single mom Georgia and her twelve-year-old daughter Dakota. It’s a place where a potential sale is never denied, where the door is never fully shut until well after closing time and the last straggler has had a moment to muse and ponder over the choice of wool or cotton. A place where not just stray pieces of yarn gather, but friends; women with virtually nothing in common but one general purpose: to knit together something in their lives.
Georgia and her precocious daughter are not alone in their efforts. There’s her mentor and stand-in mother, Anita, a well-established-in-life sort of friend; Peri, a pre-law student with a penchant for knitting handbags; Lucie, a tv producer who’s lost her way; Darwin, an annoying graduate student; and Georgia’s old high school friend Cat, a Pamela Anderson sort of socialite on the verge of divorce. Like a knitted scarf wrapped tightly around your neck on a blustery day, so it is with these women in a time of crisis. The yarn is what holds it together and keeps out the cold.
The Friday Night Knitting Club is Steel Magnolias with but a different disease and location; How to Tie an American Quilt with yarn instead of fabric blocks; the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, but without the rebuilding of a mother-daughter relationship and the cool chant. I liked all of these books, FNKC included, which follow a central theme: make the most of one’s life while you have it and a sisterhood can conquer all.
Aside from the constant use. of. sentence. fragments. and occasionally getting bogged down in the minutiae of the character’s past lives, overall I felt the story moved along these points well-enough. The author milks to the last drop every emotional moment she can, and I felt literally sucked dry at times, almost forced against my will to feel more sentimental towards the characters, even though sometimes I didn’t want too. Sometimes these characters just weren’t likeable, but hey, they’re New Yorkers! What did I expect! *cough*
Did I take something from this book? Sure, be grateful for the friends you have, and take up a skill that uses your fingers, and most of all, be sure to shave your legs and change your underwear everyday. You never know what will happen, for good, and bad. 3 Stars
Argh! I am so torn about this book! In general, I don't care for the Steel Magnolia genre of books and movies. They all feel so formulaic to me. I always finish them teary, but mildly outraged because I feel like I have been manipulated.
On the other hand, this book was just so darn readable, and who doesn't think sisterhood is just awesome?
I'm thinking 2-1/2 to 3 stars for me...
"Who doesn't think sisterhood is just awesome?" ---That is a great quote, Stephanie. I'm writing it down in my collection of quotes. I will be reading this book in the next couple of weeks and I'm wondering if I'll want to knit something when I'm done.
I did not want to knit, but that is because I stink at that kind of stuff. Suzette, you will want to knit. I loved the idea that all these women came from different backgrounds and eras, yet they found a way to connect and help eachother through life. There are days that if I did not have my own little "knitting" club I would probably have a nervous breakdown.
Eric knows how to knit with his fingers. If I pay him a million dollars I'd bet he'd teach us how. He loves it when women gather around him...not! But I would love to watch him squirm. It's like my second favorite thing to do.
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